Codeine ကိုဒင္း

ဆရာ က်ြန္ေတာ္ အသက္က ၃၃ ပါ လြန္ခဲ့တဲ့ေလးနွစ္ေလာက္ကစၿပီး ကိုဒင္းပါတဲ့ေခ်ာင္းဆိုးေပ်ာက္ေဆးကို အိပ္ေဆးလိုသုံးရင္း စြဲသလိုျဖစ္ေနပါတယ္ ေနာက္ပိုင္း အလုပ္က MC ယူတဲ့အခါ ေဆးခန္းက ေခ်ာင္းဆိုးေပ်ာက္ေဆး ယူၿပီး ေသာက္ျဖစ္ပါတယ္ တခါေသာက္ရင္ 90ml တဗူးေလာက္ကို တလတခါေလာက္ ေသာက္ပါတယ္ ကိုဒင္းကို စြဲၿပီးေသာက္ရင္ လူကိုဘာဆိုးက်ိဳးျဖစ္နိုင္လဲ သိခ်င္ပါတယ္။

မူးယစ္ေဆးအေၾကာင္းစာေတြ အမ်ားၾကီးေရးထားတယ္။ တင္တိုင္းမွာ သူခိုးလမ္းျပ၊ ဓါးျပအားေပးလုပ္ရေကာင္းလားလို႔ လာလာဆံုးမၾကတယ္။ အနာသက္သာေဆး ကိုဒင္းကို ျမန္မာလို မေရးရေသးပါ။ ေဆာရီး။

Codeine is a prescription pain medication used to treat mild to moderate pain. It comes in tablet form and as the main ingredient in prescription-grade cough suppressants. Tylenol 3, another popular pain reliever, is codeine combined with acetaminophen. Codeine is an opiate (sometimes called a narcotic). Other opiates include oxycodone, heroin and morphine. Street names for codeine include cough syrup, schoolboy, coties and t-three’s.

Codeine Effects and Abuse
Codeine use often starts out innocently enough with a prescription for a codeine-based cough syrup. Because codeine is less regulated than some opiates considered to be more dangerous (such as morphine and OxyContin), getting and abusing it is relatively easy. Though less potent, codeine provides effects similar to morphine.

The effects of codeine include:

As an opiate, codeine runs a high risk of its users developing a tolerance and eventually a dependence on it. Although many people begin using codeine to relieve a legitimate condition, it is frequently abused as tolerance develops. Many codeine users begin to turn to the drug to cope with all of their physical pain and eventually their emotional pain as well. If you or someone you care about is struggling with a codeine problem, get help now.

Although some people think the drug seems harmless, side effects of codeine range from drowsiness and constipation to blindness and respiratory failure. In large enough doses, codeine may even be fatal.

Addiction to Codeine
An addiction to codeine may develop from continued abuse of the drug in its cough medicine or pill form. Codeine can lull its users into a false sense of security because many people do not consider it to be as powerful or addictive as its opiate family members.

Codeine is considered a gateway drug to other opiates, including morphine and even heroin.

Many people don’t stop at codeine. They try to reach a better high by mixing it with other substances, including alcohol. Because codeine and alcohol are both central nervous system (CNS) depressants, combining them can lead to dangerous levels of depression in the brain and respiratory system. Learn the criteria of diagnosing codeine addiction today.

Codeine and Other Drugs
For some people, codeine is only a piece of a larger web of addictions. Sometimes, it is the gateway drug into addiction to other substances, especially other opiates like oxycodone or morphine.

Because multiple drugs in a user’s system can change the way treatment is administered, it is important to be honest in discussing all of your addictions with a treatment counselor. No matter what drugs you use, there is a treatment solution for you.

ဘယ္အရာမဆို ေကာင္းတယ္၊ အရသာရွိတယ္၊ တခုခုကိုျဖစ္ေစတယ္လို႔ ျမင္ၾကတယ္။ အဲတာအားလံုးတိုင္းမွာ ေဘးထြက္ သက္ေရာက္မႈေတြရွိတယ္။ လူဆိုတာ ေကာင္းတာလည္းသာယာတယ္၊ မေကာင္းဘူးဆိုတာလည္း တပ္မက္ၾကတယ္။ မွိန္းေနခ်င္တာ၊ ေၾကာက္ရေကာင္းမွန္းမသိတာ၊ အလုပ္ေတြရွိပါရက္ကနဲ႔ မလုပ္ခ်င္တာ၊ ေပ်ာ္စရာမဟုတ္ပဲ ေပ်ာ္တဲ့စိတ္ျဖစ္တာ၊ စတာေတြကို ရခ်င္ၾကတယ္။ စမိရာ ကေန စြဲတယ္။ ဘယ္အရာကိုစြဲစြဲ ျဖတ္ဖို႔ခက္တယ္။ ျဖတ္မရေတာ့သူေတြ တကမာၻလံုးမွာ သန္းေပါင္းမ်ားစြာရွိတယ္။ ျဖတ္လို႔ရသူ လူရည္ခြ်န္။

ေဆးေျခာက္စာေရးေတာ့ မေကာင္းတာခ်ည္းမေရးပါနဲ႔ ေကာင္းတာလည္း ေရးပါတဲ့။ မေရးပါ။ အျပစ္တင္ခ်င္တိုင္း တင္ေပေတာ့။ အဲတာမ်ိဳးကသာ သူခိုးလမ္းျပ၊ ဓါးျပအားေပး။

Dr. တင့္ေဆြ


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